
Countryside Gazebos

Monday, June 16, 2014

Real Talk From Real Women: Women At War

This is a topic that really hits home for me. You want to know what I am tired of seeing is women at war. Why are women constantly at each other throats about something? If it isn't one thing then it is another. Majority of the times it is not even worth it, just straight petty. It is normally something that is best left alone. Somebody taking somebody's man, what her shoes or outfit look like, he say she say, or straight jealousy. There are a lot of women out there that need to learn how to come together. Don't worry about the next woman and what she has. Don't worry about if you think she is prettier or not. Don't worry if she looks like the dustiest woman on earth. Don't worry about how many kids she has. Don't worry about whether her child's HEAD is combed. Pure stupidity! Worry about yourself and what you have going on. People worrying about other people is the prime reason why we go at the rate we do now.

We are supposed to stick together no matter what race, age, creed, or nationality....

When people become divided they fall...

We need to learn how to find a common ground, apologize, and move on....

This may be hard for a lot of us because we feel as if we are never wrong, or maybe the other person started it. Heck, some people you just can't please they don't want peace in their lives. Sometimes you just have to learn to be the bigger. As a result of being and acting like the bigger person. You will also look like the bigger person. So even if you feel wronged, and feel like you should not have apologized, in other people eyes you will look the most mature.

Words can tear you down or they can build you up...

We all know this to be true, but the reality of it is that some of us just have thicker skin than others. Some women don't know how to take criticism, while others can. They learn to accept it for what it's worth, and keep moving. Others decide to get in their feelings, and that's where the war starts. You never know who you are talking to, and what their mental state may be period, or just for that present moment. That person you decide to point and laugh at, or post a picture of with a nasty comment, or cyber bully could be at their ropes end. Literally. Honestly, it is way past the point of out of hand. So please think about this the next time you decide to bang words out on your keyboard behind your computer screen in Minnesota to the woman in Texas. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Believe In Love

Everybody gets to that point in some time or another in their lives where they stop believing in love. Just because she cheated, or he walked away prematurely because he was not ready does not mean that you should not believe in love. Some people just go looking for love in all the wrong places, and in return they receive the back end of someone else's pain. It just seems like the same old song.

Oh look I met a new guy, wait he's already taken..Bummer!


 I met a new guy. He lied and cheated. So now I have to mourn my lost and bad luck by crying my eyes out while eating huge tubs of ice cream and watching Friends rerun.


Build some confidence and self esteem, get back out there and don't be a quitter.

Because guess what! If you quit, you won't ever find that special someone.

I'm not saying put your heart on the line every single time. I know that you have that fear of being hurt and betrayed again. Nobody wants to constantly start over to get the same results. Get out there mingle, meet new people, date, and have some fun. But keep yourself on lock until you see the person display a mutual interest that seems sincere. If not do not be the first one to make the move. See what he/she is looking for in a relationship before you decide to leave yourself out hanging like a pinata. So even if you start feeling like you should not believe in love, stop it because you have to let go of your past. If you do not let go of it, you will never move on. You will be stuck in the same old relationship over and over. Just because you are trying to stop believing in love does not mean that it has forgot about you!

*I receive a small commission for any product that you may purchase in this article. It helps support me as a stay at home mom.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Cooking for your picky eater

It is really hard to get your picky eater to eat fruits, veggies, and anything else that may be vital to their health. We know why they need these things, but they don't understand, and don't care. It is very frustrating trying to get very young children better known as picky eaters to eat healthy.

I experimented last night with my four children. I cooked peas and carrots, it is not something that I normally cook or even eat myself. Mainly because it was so bland, and I did not know how to season it. So I just stayed away from the mixture all together. I remembered that recently my husband told me to just add some cinnamon and sugar. So when I cooked it I added cinnamon, sugar, and my own little twist a little nutmeg. It was AWESOME! My oldest son, whom is 7, could not get enough he was like, "Mama I want some more macaroni, carrots, and peas. I was actually shocked.

I also got a little advice from a group about how to get picky eaters to eat fruits and veggies. It wasn't much but even a little bit of help is help. They told me to mix the fruits and veggies together. I don't know what that means, but when my creativity started to work I thought about fruit and veggie smoothies. I also realized it is easier to get children to eat their fruits because majority of them are sweet.

When all else fails just make sure that the picky eater(s) take their vitamins daily. The vitamins will help the children get the nutrients that they need, especially if they are just super picky.

But here are some examples of how I get them to eat fruits and veggies I prepare meals or snacks:

When we eat tacos or taco salads, instead of giving them tomatoes I give them mild salsa. I also throw in some sour cream. Even my one year old twins will eat it then.

Cook your child healthy desserts, sounds funny right, but it is the complete opposite. It actually works. If you want to get some help with that Click Here!

I have been successful with giving my kids salad, all I do is drizzle a little bit of ranch on it. Too much ranch takes away the healthiness of the salad. So be careful with that. Make sure it has meat, cheese, and carrots in it also. I guess I have just been lucky on this account. You can give them fish with this also. My children absolutely love it! Baked or fried is fine even though having it baked is healthier. Make sure if you fry it that you don't over cook the fish or it will attain extra grease.

Another thing that I do is give them Applesauce, but this applesauce has fruits and veggies in it. It is just perfect! It is two in one, and tasty also! I tried it myself!! One of the places that are wonderful for buying this type of product is Here!

These are some of the ways that I have found to feed my picky eater. I hope that this helps you, and if there are some fruits or veggies specifically that you want me to help you with I will do my best. Just let me know!

*I receive a small commission for any product that you may purchase in this article. It helps support me as a stay at home mom.

Friday, June 6, 2014

I am a Pajama Affiliate!

So what do you do when you feel like giving up? What do you do when you are tired of being Superwoman? What do you do when you are tired of being a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a cousin, niece, or even a friend? I often feel myself in this state of mind when the stress and pressures of life all become too much. It gets hard trying to balance and manage the kids, write a blog, feed the kids, keep the house clean, tend to a husband, do homework with the school age children, remember doctor appointments, go grocery shopping, stop siblings from fighting, keep the twins out of the toilet, etc. I mean the list goes on and on. It gets real tiring, it makes you want to just run away. When do you have the time for yourself. I started to think to myself there has to be an easier way. A way to make money in my pajamas yet still have time for myself, my kids, and my husband.

I believe that it is only overwhelming, because it is an easy way to get you to quit. The thing is don't quit, strive. Strive for better, because everybody hears that little voice that tells them to quit. "It's just easier and simpler if you just quit. People quit because it is easy. Once you quit the pressure and stress of trying to make it, and actually trying to do something with your life goes away. It is a tactic. That is why we have so many people sitting around complaining about their situation, but time after time they keep putting themselves back in the same situation. The problem arises when you become a quitter. I have been known to quit things when it gets rough or when I don't have faith that it will work. I have quit several problems that I have paid for. Majority of the reason is because I don't have faith that I can do it, or not enough time. I can't just say that I don't believe it won't work for someone because I see the proof. Just know that just because something works for one person or many people does not mean it will work for you. Trust me that is not a negative statement. Whatever you do just don't give up.

You have to find your niche. If you don't know what it means Google it. Until then you are one lost soul. Once you find your niche, and you begin to work in that area you will not be a quitter anymore. You will move on and never look back! I promise you, it will be like a breathe of fresh air. You have to empower yourselves, and know your worth. If you live comfortable, or believe that you live comfortable but you don't have a net worth. Even if your net worth is very low. Guess what, you need to become uncomfortable. Becoming uncomfortable will make you want to do better. I know now you are probably thinking, "OK, after I get uncomfortable then what do I do after that. How do I find my niche?"

A couple of months ago, I decided to try something different. I started to dabble in the Ebay world. Once I did that it opened up the door for other things, because then I had to figure out a way to promote myself to generate more sales. I then joined a group on Facebook called Pinterest Marketing Exchange. There I ended up running across a person that helped me find the information that I needed to make a living online. I feel like I have finally found my calling, and I get help with any and everything I do. You are not left alone to figure out anything by yourself there is also a Facebook group that is very supportive! This really sincere, intelligent, and inspirational lady by the name of Robin Cockrell is now helping me use simple skills to monetize what people do on a daily basis but receive no pay. She teaches you to make money based on content. This home study is called Pajama Affiliates. She gives you ways to generate now and later money. When I say this meaning she can show you how to make money now, and how create a stream of income that you will forget about. But it will not forget about YOU So it is well worth the money that you pay, because you will get it back over and over again! Becoming a part of Pajama Affiliates is one of the best things that has happened to me. Now this is not a get rich quick scheme! I repeat it is not a get rich quick scheme, but once you start this home study you will ask yourself why did you take so long to begin in the first place.

*I receive a small commission for any product that you may purchase in this article. It helps support me as a stay at home mom.